Energy Strategies works across the energy sector helping our clients solve their most challenging problems. Below is a small sampling of recent projects that demonstrates the breadth and depth of our energy expertise.

Extended Day-Ahead Market Benefits Study

In 2022, Energy Strategies performed analysis for the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) to assess the estimated savings that would be provided by the proposed Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM). The analysis built off of the framework established in the State-Led Market Study (more information on that effort is outlined below) but included important modifications to reflect specific design features of EDAM. The analysis assessed the operational and capacity savings that may accrue as a result of EDAM implementation. The study estimated that EDAM would result in combined operational and capacity savings of $858 million per year.

Download the EDAM Benefits Study

State-led market options Study

Energy Strategies was selected to serve as the contractor supporting the State-Led Market Options Study. This study was undertaken at the request of the Utah Office of Energy Development (OED), which sought to facilitate a neutral forum and neutral analysis for Western states to independently and jointly evaluate options and potential impacts associated with new or more centralized wholesale energy markets.

The State-Led Market Options Study was funded through a U.S. Department of Energy State Energy Program Competitive Award. The project was guided by a Lead Team comprised of representatives from all Western states. To complement Western state engagement, the State-Led Market Options Study held quarterly public stakeholder meetings to gather input from interested stakeholders.

To support the Lead Team and provide states with information on market options, Energy Strategies used production cost modeling to evaluate relative operational benefits of alternative market constructs across various footprints. A market and regulatory review was also conducted, culminating in a Market Factor scorecard for states to use in evaluating future western regional market proposals. The study work has been captured in a final “Roadmap,” which is organized into the two companion reports below.

Download the Final Roadmap:

Technical Report | Market and Regulatory Review Report

Download the Stakeholder Meeting Presentations:

October 9, 2019 | January 17, 2020 | May 1, 2020 | October 30, 2020 | March 3, 2021 | June 17, 2021

Western Day-Ahead Seams Exploration

When if became apparent that there would likely be two day-ahead markets in the West, the Western Power Trading Forum (WPTF) and the Public Generating Pool (PGP) partnered to sponsor an assessment of the potential “seams issues” between the two markets. The intent of the “Western Day-Ahead Seams Exploration” was to develop information on the types of seams that may exist and the different tools that might be applied to mitigate seams between two day-ahead markets in the West. This work, which was performed by Energy Strategies in partnership with Gridwell, is intended to provide a framework for understanding these seams and is not intended to convey a position about how the West should proceed in market development, nor to propose specific solutions to the potential seams issues. The seams evaluation is, thus, a starting point for understanding potential seams between two day-ahead markets and can serve as a launching point for more detailed discussions in the stakeholder community.

Download the Western Day-Ahead Seams Exploration

Western RTO Economic Impact Study

A report published in 2022, by Advanced Energy United (AEU), which was prepared by Energy Strategies in partnership with regional economists, studied the economic impacts that might flow from electricity savings generated by a West-wide Regional Transmission Organization (RTO). The analysis assessed how the electricity cost savings and structural changes brought about by an RTO might flow into the broader economy and create economic impacts in the form of new jobs, increases to Gross State Product, additional tax revenues, and overall increases in sales across the economy. The analysis found that, across the eleven Western States, the operation of a West-wide RTO could provide between 159,000 and 657,000 permanent jobs and generate between $18.8 billion and $79.2 billion in additional Gross Regional Product per year.

Visit AEU’s website to access the report

Lower Snake River Dams Power Replacement Study

This study was undertaken on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition, an advocate of clean and affordable energy in the Northwest region, to investigate the technical feasibility and cost of replacing the power and energy services provided by the four Lower Snake River Dams with a portfolio of clean and renewable resources that support a reliable and adequate regional power system while minimizing increases to greenhouse gas emissions. Energy Strategies applied a suite of power system modeling tools and economic analysis to assess power system challenges that has underscored decades of environmental debate on the future of the dams and their role in the Northwest power system. The study concluded that balanced portfolios of wind, solar, energy efficiency, and energy storage can replace the power at a reasonable cost, while maintaining system reliability, adequacy, with negligible effects on GHG emissions.

Download the summary slides

Visit the NW Energy Coalition website to obtain the full study


Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative 2.0 Western Outreach Report

Energy Strategies worked with the Western Interstate Energy Board to complete the Western Outreach Report as part of California’s Renewable Energy Initiative 2.0. The report explored the availability of Western renewable energy and electric transmission that could contribute to meeting California’s renewable energy and greenhouse gas objectives.

Download the Western Outreach Report


WESTCONNECT Order 1000 Planning Consultant

Energy Strategies serves as the regional planning consultant for the WestConnect FERC Order 1000 regional transmission planning region. In this capacity, Energy Strategies assists WestConnect in developing regional models, evaluating regional transmission needs, and (when necessary) conducting project assessments and cost allocation evaluations. Energy Strategies supports development of various WestConnect planning products, including the Regional Transmission Plan.

Download the 2015 Regional Transmission Plan

Download the 2016-17 Regional Study Plan


Communities Renewable Energy Study

Salt Lake City, Park City, and Summit County called upon Energy Strategies to evaluate the cost and rate impacts associated with serving all of the electricity within these communities with renewable energy. Energy Strategies' assessment found that, should the communities transition to 100% renewable energy by 2032, electricity rates would be 9% to 14% higher than business as usual. Our report supported individual decisions by the communities to implement clean energy goals.

Download the renewable energy study


INTRODUCTORY Regional Transmission Organizations Whitepaper

Energy Strategies prepared a whitepaper on behalf of the Wyoming Industrial Energy Consumers exploring Regional Transmission Organizations, their benefits, costs and the role they can play in enabling retail customers to directly access the wholesale electricity market. The whitepaper included an overview of several regional transmission organizations across the country.

Download the introductory whitepaper


Open Solicitation Administration and Tool Development

Energy Strategies has served as the Open Solicitation administrator for several transmission projects with negotiated rate authority. The Energy Strategies team performed open solicitation administration for the Southline Transmission Project and developed a unique tool that interested parties could use to assess the transmission, and associated costs, that may be necessary to use Southline to deliver to energy markets and potential offtakers.

Access the Southline Open Solicitation website:

Download the Southline Open Season presentation


Generation interconnection, transmission, and curtailment assessments

Although the results of the assessments are proprietary, Energy Strategies regularly utilizes its tools and expertise to support generation project development by screening potential generator interconnection sites and assessing transmission availability. Energy Strategies also supports project financing and siting through various studies, including curtailment assessments and price spread analysis.


Expert Testimony

Energy Strategies provides expert testimony in regulatory proceedings across the country, including testifying before 29 state regulatory commissions. From assisting large industrial and commercial energy users in rate cases to supporting Qualifying Facilities, Energy Strategies brings strong witnesses and sound technical analysis to the cases we participate in.